I know it's been a long time since I last posted. Life has been so crazy but so good! Let me go back to further back in the semester...
This semester I had the opportunity to be involved in the Valley United Food Drive--which is the Food Drive hosted by BYU and UVU. Sure, it felt stressful at times, but I realized there was really nothing to stress about since I was part of what must have been the BEST team!! As mentioned in my last post, I became very ill for several weeks, but they offered to help in the smallest ways. Even more so, we came together and all helped each other for the different events we were each in charge of to take place in November(I and Dallin were in charge of collecting donations at two of the basketball games.) At the end of November, we all came together and the results were announced--we collected 462, 128 lbs of food!! All the donations went to families who were struggling in the Utah Valley. It was a HUGE success!!
These certificates were playful awards for what would fit each of us. I was awarded "Most likely to jump in a pile of leaves" since I jumped in the huge pile of leaves twice for the fundraising event.
Shortly after the food drive ended and after Thanksgiving, it was time to crack down on finals. Why? I had 3 finals in the upcoming week--two which were early. Why? Because....
So, back to finals...
I realized as I was preparing that this had to be one of the wildest things I had ever done--especially for my physiology final, because the midterms didn't end, and neither did the "mini exams." The week before my final, I had a couple mini exams and 3 days before the final, I took the last midterm, with one or two mini exams between that day and the final day, and that was on top of finishing up my classes and taking two of my finals that week, as well as preparing to leave for New York City.
The two finals felt great to get over with, but on that Thursday, I had my last day of physiology class, during which we crammed in new material, and as students started to panic about taking their final the following week...
Mine was in 2 hours.
And I crammed and studied hard what I just barely learned in class.
And then 3 hours after starting the final,
I was FREEEE!!!
And you know what? It was totally worth it.
I knew this would be an experience I would never forget, and most likely never regret.
(More to follow about the trip in my upcoming post.)
If I learned or was reminded of anything over this very difficult time, as it had to be the most challenging week of finals, it was this:
1. You can do hard things
2. Hard work pays off
3. Life is not just for working but also for making the most of everything, so work hard and play hard!!
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