Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Stress Management Tips & Ideas

Ladies and gents, I feel like all of us here have our moments of stress. I feel like managing stress is a frequent effort, and I am sure may readers here can relate. There seems to be a never-ending amount of homework and quizzes and tests to study for, assignments to do, readings to catch up on, internships to apply for, treatments, doctors appointments...you get the picture...
I have come to learn in one of my classes that stress management is one of the toughest thing for many Americans. We live in a culture where we are always rushed and on-the-go, with high demands and due dates. It can be dangerous, as it can put a lot of pressure on our cardiovascular systems and wear down our energy! In order to manage stress, pretty much all that I learned up to this point were the "deep, diaphragm breathing/relaxation" techniques. Kudos to all who teach this, as it works a lot of times, but there are those times where I feel like I've heard to do this so many times as I wonder, (ha, even those times with CF when it's not the easiest thing), "Well, what if I go back to not breathing well?!" If you want relaxation recordings, BYU has some here: https://biofeedback.byu.edu/?q=relaxation-recordings

However, if you are like me and want additional tips, here are some I came across recently while reading a research article about stress management:

Additional ways to reduce stress:

-Move more
-Eat well
-Sleep well

-Set goals, focusing on this acronym:
T. = Time. Take a time-out (25-30 minutes or whatever you feel works for you) to process the thought/feeling that you feel wound up in.
A. = Activity. Take a time out to work on an activity, even if it's a short walk, work on a hobby, call a friend, etc.
D. = Distance. Distance yourself from the stressor/what you run to that may not be healthy when you are stressed (i.e. food if you may overeat.) Take some time to go to a place that is less stressful. 

-Gratitude reflection.
-Find humor! Watch a quick funny video or do something funny. This always helps me! 
-Reflect on your values

Practice P.A.U.S.E. (I personally fell in love with this idea right as I read it. I find great relief coming from being more aware of our surroundings and enjoying the small things.)

For more info on this study/article, click here:

Hopefully something here can help you out next time you feel overwhelmed! 

And (some) things added to a personal list...
-temple trips
-Jimmy Fallon videos
-Funny youtube/vine videos
-Time with my good friends Ben & Jerry
-Tillamook ice cream--they have the BEST strawberry ice cream. If you try to be good friends with me we are technically not good friends until you try it.
-Snapchat filters
-Insanity workouts
-taking naps
-reading (books of choice)

(A couple of pictures hidden in my photo album from a couple times while stopping to enjoy some of the little things.) 

Have any further ideas/tactics you have for managing stress? Send them over!!

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