I am halfway done with finals and I am honestly very ready for this semester to be over. (Anyone else also feeling it?) Perhaps Senioritis is starting to creep its way in ;)
You know those times where life throws things at you you did not plan and things get crazy? Ha well I had a good share of those times lately, but I was able to get through them regardless.
Overall, I enjoyed my classes, and they were very worthwhile, and I've also had some amazing experiences! It has definitely all been one for the ride.
To give you an idea, this semester was full of:
-Many assignments, one-on-ones with TAs, papers, quizzes, personal and group projects, book reports, and exams.
-A few unplanned CF clinic visits--and an average of at least one visit to see a variety of some doctors and specialists that I cannot even remember them all (eye, dentist, periodontist, etc) almost every week.
-Two trips to the ER
-Doing things that make me nervous, with some regrets but mostly feeling accomplished.
-Many mock interviews and resume reviews, all leading up to getting my dream internship position as a Worksite Wellness Coordinator to help start a program! (It's seriously the best job ever.)
-Trips back and forth for my internship.
-Many peanut butter sandwiches and Costco meals with little time to prepare food.
-Learning more how to do adult things like how to invest, calculate taxes, make car and house payments, and the like. The struggle is still oh so real when it comes to me doing math and it sure tests my patience, but I have still been so glad for the things I have learned.
-Watching my posture with what I am learning in my functional fitness class, to make sure I don't become an even more petite old woman (/have a haunched back, back and neck aches, etc) one day.
-New adventures made and new dreams envisioned
-Meeting incredible people and then being inspired by them.
-Figuring out new tactics to not let CF get in the way, and then having some of the best of times!
-Crying tears of joy while watching the new Beauty and the Beast both times (and discovering that Emma Watson's version of Belle is pretty much the carbon-copy of my personality.)
-Persuading my CF doctor with my own game plan to not admit me into the hospital right before finals for a tune up, right there with all my bags packed and ready to be admitted. I had never felt so relieved and motivated to push myself to get my numbers back up once I regained most of my strength.
-Seeing lives literally be saved while at my internship as people have been changing their health habits. It's truly been remarkable. There's still been hurdles to get over and challenges to solve, with new ideas to create. It's all part of the work, and it ends up being so rewarding!
This semester has helped me learn how to accept that sometimes hard things happen one after the other, and it's all part of the journey. Even more so, there are still so many good things happening. Sometimes life gets so crazy and things happen we do NOT plan, doors close, and we can become confused when things don't go as planned. And also, great things happen that we did not plan! Nevertheless, when you wonder why things happen, remember it's all okay, because it's all going to be okay. My Family Finance teacher has a motto--When life doesn't go as planned, don't get frustrated, make the best of it! I have to remind myself this at times, and I am sure many of us do! That's when we can catch our breath and tell ourselves that we can do it. We can find joy in the small things by finding time to do what we love and take things one step at a time.
Nevertheless, I am so grateful for some of the best of friends. My best friend Kelly has been an angel and has been there through everything. We have also had our good amount of laughs, even to the point where people think we're weird! The best part? We don't even care at all! Ha! I think everyone should have a friend like her.
I am so glad this semester is done to have some new starts and to put the craziness in the past, and I look forward to what's ahead. Only two more finals to go this week! Let's do this.
-Seeing lives literally be saved while at my internship as people have been changing their health habits. It's truly been remarkable. There's still been hurdles to get over and challenges to solve, with new ideas to create. It's all part of the work, and it ends up being so rewarding!
This semester has helped me learn how to accept that sometimes hard things happen one after the other, and it's all part of the journey. Even more so, there are still so many good things happening. Sometimes life gets so crazy and things happen we do NOT plan, doors close, and we can become confused when things don't go as planned. And also, great things happen that we did not plan! Nevertheless, when you wonder why things happen, remember it's all okay, because it's all going to be okay. My Family Finance teacher has a motto--When life doesn't go as planned, don't get frustrated, make the best of it! I have to remind myself this at times, and I am sure many of us do! That's when we can catch our breath and tell ourselves that we can do it. We can find joy in the small things by finding time to do what we love and take things one step at a time.
Now, here are some little highlights of the good things!
I was able to meet incredible people like Stephanie Nielsen this semester! A couple months after I heard her speak I ran into her at the nearby grocery store, and we had a nice short conversation. I don't think she remembered me since she meets so many people at her devotionals, but it was sure inspiring to meet and interact with her for a bit!
This was on the first day of my internship!! It's been one of the greatest blessings in my life!! I am so grateful I have found a career path that I LOVE and feel so passionate about!!
This is the view every time I go to my internship meetings!!
Also, seeing the beautiful flowers each time I am in Salt Lake is a great bonus! I mean, look at them!!
Also, back in March I went with some new friends down to Moab. It sure "rock"ed.
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Also, I recently bought a hammock and it has been one of the BEST purchases ever!! Bear Butt sells great-quality two-person hammocks for very decent prices. |
Nevertheless, I am so grateful for some of the best of friends. My best friend Kelly has been an angel and has been there through everything. We have also had our good amount of laughs, even to the point where people think we're weird! The best part? We don't even care at all! Ha! I think everyone should have a friend like her.
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