Sunday, December 31, 2017


2017 was quite the year.

It was the year when:
-I got the flu TWICE (which in fact I started out the year with fighting off the first type of flu I caught), with a couple other nasty viruses in between each flu. The second flu 5 months after the first landed me in the hospital for a tune-up. That tune-up was a rough two weeks for me physically, mentally, and emotionally, and did not go well as I hoped.
-Not to mention it took me 3 months to physically recover from my two-week hospital stay (6 months if you count the blood thinners to treat the blood clots I developed.)
-I had some weird dates, letdowns, and some awful heartbreaks--I mean some of these guys were ruthless--which at times made it difficult for me to believe that there were still good guys out there.
-Confusion while just plain trying to figure life out.
-There were no exotic trips or vacations, no dating relationships, or typical "life events" that many have the privilege of experiencing and are often shown on social media (which I am honestly so happy for those who get to experience these blessings because they should be celebrated. Everything has its own time and season.)

Now, you're probably thinking I would go on about the hardships of this year. If so, you are wrong. Even though it was not the easiest of years, here's the plot twist...

I may not have had the "typical year," but this year was still so sweet. I thought about what stood out the most that made this year memorable. There were not many "big" moments that could be easily documented, and the hard times could have overshadowed what could have been considered "small" or even "insignificant" occurrences.

Let me tell you, though, that if 2017 taught/reminded me anything, it would be that:
The small things can add up to be some of the richest blessings and memories.

Because even though there was a lot of pain, heartbreak, and uncertainty, the "little" moments made this year amazing.

Some of these "little" moments, even victories, included:
-Taking chances to get back into what I had not done in a while.
-Being accepted into an internship position I never would have dreamed of, and then seeing lives literally be saved as we helped individuals change their lifestyles through eating better, exercising, and managing stress.
-Seeing the temple right from the window during every internship meeting.
-Holding one of my best friends Emily's newborn and seeing him grow up.
-Meeting one of my heroes--Stephanie Nielsen--and getting a big hug from her after hearing her speak, and then later running into her at the Creamery up the street from my place. I also ran into another one of my heroes Al Fox Carraway on the way to my internship several months later and we had a nice short chat.
-Seeing my sister return home from her mission.
-Buying my first hammock and sleeping in it under the stars in Moab, surrounded by new friends.
-Finishing all my physiology courses.
-Moving into a house with my best friends.
-Having my best friend travel with me to the hospital, bags packed and all, when I had the flu and could feel an admission about to happen, and then staying by my side through it all until my parents could come.
-Being able to take a full breath in a while after ending up in the hospital from the flu, thanks to my medications and treatments.
-Bringing my hammock outside the hospital to a courtyard--with my IV bag and all--to take a rest from pain, stress, and uncertainty.
-Having my family and friends join me for the CF Great Strides Walk/Run (and being given so much free Chick-Fil-A afterwards.)
-Having both my arms regain their ability to feel and move and several weeks after I was afraid I would never be able to use them again.
-Dismissing fear and trying new things I always wanted to--like jumping into a large body of water off a rope swing, and finally trying new talents I always wanted to.
-Noticing improvement with those hidden talents after a lot of work.
-Having divine revelation connect me, through a series of events, to one of the General Authorities and his family, as his General Conference talk gave me so much peace, strength, and perspective this year. I was then able to learn about and be strengthened even more by their story.
-Meeting one of my long-lost cousins while we were driving during a girls' trip to Moab.
-Sleeping straight under the stars in Moab--no tent, only a tarp, after a rainstorm haha!
-Being in one of the LARGEST paint fights with kids whose parents have/had cancer.
-Spending a whole week with those kids, as they changed my life forever.
-Seeing and hearing OneRepublic play I Lived in person, which was on my bucket list. (Watch their music video and you will understand what I mean.)
-Being offered an on-campus job position to start up a personal training program for faculty and staff. It was a very challenging time, but oh I am so grateful for it!!
-Having all sorts of letters and thank you notes come in from one area of Utah to where I was while collecting them for Las Vegas after the shooting
-Reading sincere appreciation in a letter of thanks in return from the LVPD's Sheriff.
-Laughing up a STORM with immediate and extended family around the Thanksgiving table and during game times--enough to burn off several pounds worth!!
-Having my church ward's Christmas party come together that I was in charge of.
-Being able to reflect on my Savior's influence in my life during this Christmas season.


It would be unjust to call these "little" things small, because they helped me grow. I was able to not only learn how to set boundaries and find patience in healing during hard times, but I was able learn more about myself and those around me. I was able to see how Christ's Atonement holds the world together when people feel their world is crumbling. Spending time in nature, following promptings, and finding ways to find joy in the journey allowed each day to be rich. The hard times were outweighed by what was savored, and I look forward to what I can savor next year.

At this point, I have no clue (besides the fact I will graduate debt-free in April) what will come about this year. There's been times where I try to make plans, but then they are stopped, and it has been nerve-racking. However, as one of my favorite talks reminded me, I can look at it with the attitude of "Come What May and Love It." Through any darkness or uncertainty, happiness can be found if we  look for it and chase it. I don't want a year to go by where I fail to see the silver linings, the flowers where there are thorns, and hear music when there is rain. There is always good in store, so this is what I say to 2018:
Bring it.