Wednesday, September 7, 2016

A Little About Me

Hello again

I know that at least for the first while there will be mostly friends and family visiting here, but for anyone who doesn't know me (or even if you know me and want to get to know me better), here is a little bit about me...

I served a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Boston, Massachusetts,  and it changed my life forever. That is why you will hear me talk a bit about my mission.

I also recently returned from a study abroad in London, where we also traveled to Paris and Scotland. I had especially always dreamed of going to London and Paris for years. That adventure also changed my life. I have hopes for traveling around the States more and then maybe to a few more countries when the right time comes.

I have a chronic, life-threatening condition called Cystic Fibrosis, so I do my best to make the most of my life. Every breath is something I cherish.

I love: 

fall...with the arrange of colors, the crisp weather, decorations, fun things to do, Halloween, sweaters and boots to get cozied up in, and recipes to make (and the smell of the apartment when there is a lot of baking that happens). Hence I think this is a good reason I served my mission in New England.



ice cream


cooking and baking new recipes

good music (particularly Coldplay, the Beatles, and John Mayer to name a few)



exploring my artistic side

wearing hats and comfortable clothing

going out and having random adventures

being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and sharing the gospel

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