Monday, May 1, 2017

What we don't talk about enough

I decided to write about something that's been on my mind. As many of you have most likely also seen, there is an increasing amount of blog posts and articles about what is becoming more noticeable, particularly about our church's culture--all dealing with issues regarding the growing shame culture, feelings of being excluded, being offended, and how doctrine can be overlooked with cultural aspects that have grown.

With all of this in mind, I understand that these issues are growing. However, I do believe that we find what we look for. As these issues are increasing it can be so easy to change our focus on what is changing negatively.

With all of these topics on the rise, you know what I noticed I don't see written about enough?

The good that STILL exists

Sure, at this point, you may call me oblivious or a "Pollyanna" (for those of you who don't know what that means, Pollyanna is a movie about a girl who looked at the bright side of all things.) You could also call this the opposite of being a "realist."

Let me share with you an experience that demonstrates the point I am trying to get across...

A couple years ago (as I easily get sick with my Cystic Fibrosis) I got sick. I almost ended up in the hospital for a tune-up as the amount of sputum increased and my lung function went down. However, I was lucky enough blessed to have the antibiotics slowly kick in and work, thus improving my health. When I finally had the energy to stand, I was thrilled to go to the temple, as I had been longing to go. I was looking forward to feeling that still peace and feeling close to the Lord. I got ready and headed over.

While there, my cough was still there, but I knew it would not be contagious since I was on antibiotics. While I was there, I ran into a sister from my mission, who I didn't know too well but had seen her around town. As background info, the Packard's made us swear to all look out for one another, as we were the "MBM family." Even if we didn't know each other well from the mission, we were to keep in touch and help each other out. This sister knew a little bit about my CF, as President Packard brought it up every now and then to the mission. While quietly sitting there in the temple, after briefly catching up with this sister, I heard her talking to another lady who came to the temple. My cough was loud and sounded awful, and she took note as I heard something along the lines of, "Why is that sister here? She is going to get us all sick!" 

My heart dropped. To say I felt awful is not enough. I was too ill for a while to come, but now well enough where I could come to feel peace and God's love in my life. I didn't feel welcome right then.

This dear sister from my mission said in reply, "She is okay. She has a medical condition that causes her to cough, and it's not contagious..."

I felt at ease. I was about moved to tears of gratitude. Here was someone who stood up for me, even when we did not know each other too well. 

After the negative comment was made, I could have dwelled on these thoughts, feeling excluded and offended, wondering why members of the church--people who were trying to become more like Christ--could say such a thing and exclude people--even like me who could not help being sick and felt excluded enough plenty of times due to my cough and series of illnesses. However, something so simple happened--something that made my spirit feel lifted and assured, as this sister stood up for me. 

My point here is, I feel there is not enough focus on the members of the LDS church who do stand for those who struggle--even those who feel excluded, belittled, or betrayed. It can be so easy to focus on what is going downhill and how culture can take over. However, if we shift our focus to the service that is rendered, the love that is shown, and how individuals reach out to show compassion, then we may be surprised to how much more these positive qualities are in greater abundance. I have seen friends struggle with their feelings of a change in culture, feeling excluded or put down, becoming less involved in the church because of dwelling on these negative aspects of church culture and offenses taken against them. I am not denying these experiences that many have, but I am trying to express how when we look for the good, we will find the good.

After all, the Savior said as part of His conclusion during His Sermon on the Mount:
"Ask of God, and it shall be given you. Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 
For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." 
I underlined the point I wish to emphasize--that what we seek we will find. I believe that if we seek for the good, as I chose to do that time in the temple, then we will find it, and will feel more inclined to help others as there are always those who devote their time to reach out and help. If we search for these people and their acts of goodness, and also focus our actions on doing good, we will see more good in the world, even within the church.

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